
Ganesh Mountain

Ganesh Himal is a sub-range of the Himalayan mountain range. It is located mostly in north-central Nepal, but some peaks lie on the border with Tibet. The Trisuli Gandaki valley on the east separates it from the Langtang Himal. The range lies about 70km north-northwest of Kathmandu.The highest peak in the range is Yangra (Ganesh I), 7,422 m (24,350 ft). Despite having no peaks over 7,500m, the Ganesh Himal enjoys great vertical relief over the nearby valleys; Ganesh NW (known as Ganesh II or Ganesh III, see below) is the most favored in this respect, being closest to the Shyar Khola.The name for the range comes from the Hindu deity Ganesha, usually depicted in the form of an elephant. In fact, the south face of Pabil (Ganesh IV) slightly resembles an elephant, with a ridge that is reminiscent of an elephant's trunk.

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